Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Career Services

While in career services my class took a strong interest inventory test. The next day we got our test results back. At first I was thought well this want be helpful, because I don't believe that test can determine what types of personality you have, what jobs or majors you should major in. I believe that these are the type of things the person should determine their self. After looking over the feed back from the test I as quite shocked to see that a majority the results seem to be right about my personality. Some of the stuff I didn't agree with while the other stuff made me realize exactly what type of personality I have as far with working with others, and my interest. I think that career service was very helpful and I think that it can "help" certain people discover their major or what career best fits them, if they are unsure of their future.


  1. All of this is very true! I am so glad that your visit to Career Services was helpful! What major are you thinking of based on your Strong Inventory Interests results?

  2. I'm thinking of a science major. Most likely I'll choose Pre- Med and Biochemistry or Chemistry.
